Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Renmin (People's) Park


Our first full day in Shanghai we jumped out of bed at 6am and began our exploration. Our first stop was Renmin Park. Traveling by foot we stumbled upon a pearl milk tea shop and slurped down two tea concoctions as we made our way through the bustling of people at the park. Once there we made a b-line for the Shanghai Museum, and what a treat it was. With exhibits on Jade, ceramics, bronze sculptures, caligraphy, and traditional clothing to name a few, we were mesmorized for until our stomachs told us it was enough.

Wandering out of the museum and into the park we found a huge flock of white pidgeons that made an awesome sight when by some unknown impetus they all took flight at once and circled the somewhat awestruck somewhat afraid onlookers. Sitting down to lunch on the second floor of what can only be described as a mall (but not exactly) we ate at a seemingly elegant restaraunt and feared we were going to be paying dearly for choosing such a nice place. Then came the check with a total of 3.75 USD for our meal... not too bad huh?

We wandered through a maze of streets getting back to the hotel, passing the bird and flower market and antique market on the way. They sold just about every kind of turtle and fish you could want (as a pet im guessing / hoping). Of course Kate was the proud owner of my first purchase in Shanghai... a pink rose that made her blush the same color when I gave it to her. The antique market was, well, junky. Antique = old junk... thinking otherwise = dumb. But we wandered around the shops nonetheless and eventually found some hand painted scrolls we were happy with.

After a bit of a nap we made reservations at Yang's Kitchen and headed to the French Concession district for the traditional Shanghaiese meal. We ordered an eggplant and minced meat meal with fried rice and washed it down with Tiger beer. Walking back home kate found a beautiful necklace. One metro stop away and we were back home...

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